Crappy Cable is Comtastic

March 19th, 2009

Nice use of alliteration, huh?

I cannot stand Comcast Cable.  In the nearly three years that I’ve had Comcast as both my cable and internet provider, I’ve had so many problems with them, it isn’t even funny.  Take for instance today:  I get excited because Comcast, for once, doesn’t metaphorically “screw the pooch” and has two HD channels (CBS and a CBS2, basically) dedicated to March Madness, instead of just one as in previous years (though, in previous years, every game has been available in SD, which apparently isn’t an option this year).  My excitement lasts about, oh, three seconds as I quickly realize that the other HD channel is only showing the games in SD.  Not only that, but the picture quality is worse (and I mean bunny ear antenna quality) that the games being shown on the real SD channel.  Bullshit!

My feelings exactly

My feelings exactly

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I Now Own a Home

March 17th, 2009

As of 4pm today, I am officially a home owner.  The closing went smoothly, and despite the fact that the condo is in Virginia and I am still in Atlanta, I couldn’t be more excited.  My dad, acting with my power of attorney, signed my name over 100 times and in essence put me a few hundred thousand dollars in debt, and yet I couldn’t be more excited.  Now I am stuck dealing with Craigslist and their Nigerian scammers so that I can get rid of all my stuff down here and move up there, and I still couldn’t be more excited.

Mark you calendars – July 4th party at my new place!

Sleepless in Chicago

March 16th, 2009

I am a very light sleeper. Even when I was little, I was a light sleeper. I remember on at least one occasion waking up when the tooth fairy was visiting me…needless to say that charade didn’t last long. I blame being a light sleeper on why I wake up at the crack of dawn almost everyday, no matter how late I stay up, and that is when I sleep in my own bed, so you can imagine how hard it is for me to sleep in a strange place.

That was the problem I had during my trip to Chicago last week.  I was sleeping on my friend Vasu’s sofa and, well, things did not go so well.  Let me explain.

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Summer Vacay Part 4

March 5th, 2009

I’m about to head to the airport as I am going to be spending the next week in Chicago and in Bloomington, Indiana, visiting my brother, so I may be MIA for the next seven days or so. I will return with stories, for this I am sure!

I’ll Show You Mine if…

March 1st, 2009

If you recall, in January I gave you, my faithful readers, a mission to try to get the unique number of visitors to the site to be over 250. If this mission was accomplished, I promised to post a surprise that everyone would enjoy that contained nudity. Let’s take a look at the stats and see if we met our goal:

Month           Unique visitors            Number of visits
Jan 2009        236                                       1019
Feb 2009        232                                       1334

As you can see, while the number of unique visitors minimally decreased in February, the number of total visits increased significantly. Additionally, there are three less days in February than in January and I am confident that if the number of days were the same, unique visitors in February would have surpassed January. For whatever reason, the site I use for stats will not give me a comprehensive stats package for the entire year, so I have to assume that there were some people who visited in January who did not in February, and vice-versa. Therefore, I am claiming victory and saying that we eclipsed our goal of 250 unique visitors to the site!

Keep up the good work my readers, and enjoy your bounty!

The Good Ol’ Hockey Game

February 26th, 2009

First of all, please watch the video below.

I’ll wait…

I just love that song.

The other day I was having an argument with a friend who shall not be named (to save him from embarrassment) over whether or not Hockey is the most boring sport to watch.  I, being right-minded and sane, argued that Hockey is by far the most exciting sport to watch, while my misguided friend compared it to Soccer.  I would like to delve into this argument some more on this forum because it really touched a nerve with me.

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Summer of Scott Invades UNC

February 21st, 2009

Last night I was a guest on the acclaimed UNC Student Television show, Bluelite District.  Here are two clips, for your enjoyment.  As you will see, things got progressivly weirder and weirder and no, I do not have a wife or a two year old child.  Enjoy!


February 19th, 2009

I was the victim of either a terrorist attack or an alien attack Tuesday night.

Please let me explain…

Apparently, this is an actual photo of the worlds first UFO sighting

Apparently, this is an actual photo of the world's first UFO sighting

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